San Luis Valley Rural Electric Due For an Upgrade

Seated in viewing range of the rugged Sangre de Cristo and San Juan Mountains, San Luis Valley Rural Electric took the next leap with our inventory solutions. SLVREC teamed with the ID Solutions install crew to take their inventory tracking and recording to the next level. Over the span of 3 days, IDS configured, installed, and tested RFID antennas capable of tracking incoming and outgoing parts in real time with its streamlined scanning framework. Ranging from 48 to 90 reads per second, our RFID antennas will make for more than just the solution that San Luis Valley was searching for. Paired with the MOBILETrak software, it makes for a full ID Solutions tune up to warehouse efficiency and material management.

About San Luis Valley

San Luis Valley Rural Electric is the second oldest electric cooperative in the state of Colorado. Since first incorporating in the summer of 1937, SLVREC now serves over 7,500 members across 7 counties with clean, reliable electricity. They now have upwards of 13,000 services in place ranging from nearly 100 miles of transmission line to thousands of miles of above-head and underground distribution line.


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