North Dakota Telephone Company Decides on MOBILETrak

Leaning lakeshore on well-known Devils Lake, North Dakota Telephone Company found MOBILETrak to be the inventory management solution that was right for them. Being integrated to eliminate inventory stress, our MOBILETrak software offers NDTC the part tracking capabilities to streamline their daily operations. On site for 2 days, the MOBILETrak install team workshopped with the folks at NDTC to get their equipment and operators ready to go full speed ahead with their new software.

About North Dakota Telephone

NDTC’s operations began in 1993. They now provide advanced communication services to over 11,000 customers in North Dakota. Their company core values consist of reliability, integrity, service, growth, accountability, and communication. Everyday, they strive to improve the ways of communication while working to enrich the community in which they operate.


San Luis Valley Rural Electric Due For an Upgrade


Cobb Electric Chooses MOBILETrak For Continued Success