Midstate Electric Manifests MOBILETrak Inventory Ambitions

Laid comfortably in the scenic rural of LaPine, Oregon, Midstate Electric Cooperative looked to set their inventory aspirations into action. To get the ball rolling, MEC teamed with our experienced MOBILETrak minds to revolutionize their inventory strategies. Over the span of a 2 day on-site workshop, our team introduced MEC to our streamlined tracking capabilities. MOBILETrak’s ability to manage inventory counts in real-time helps to keep Midstate’s flow of operations moving forward seamlessly. Part and item tracking is made easy with MOBILETrak’s expert efficiency and attention to detail.

About MidState Electric

Midstate Electric Coop is a private, non-profit cooperative that has been delivering its services for 70+ years. Servicing almost 17,000 members across 4 Central Oregon counties, MEC prides itself in providing its members with safe, reliable, and cost-effective electricity while also delivering great customer service.


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