United Power Begins MOBILETrak Era

During an irregularly hot week in the high country, United Power hosted ID Solutions. United Power launched MOBILETrak Cloud across their three Colorado warehouses: Brighton, Coal Creek, and Carbon Valley. The launch involved refreshing the warehouse with new barcode labels, setting up wireless mobile computers and barcode printers. ID Solutions outfitted the operations with a new, mobile materials management solution. 3 full days of setting up, training and ultimately “Going Live”, allowed United Power to better the management of their material inventory. Processing material transactions like Pick Lists, Purchase Order Receiving, Material Expense and Return, etc. at the point-of-activity will ensure a more accurate count of the cost and count of inventory,

About United Power

United Power was originally founded as Union Rural Electric. The cooperative was incorporated in October of 1938 through the efforts of 26 original founders. Dubbed Union Rural Electric by the original founders, the name came to describe the “united” efforts of dozens of farmers from Adams, Boulder, Gilpin, Jefferson and Weld counties. Roughly a year after the cooperative was incorporated, construction began on 300 miles of distribution line that would serve 750 customers. Power first surged through the newly erected lines on January 29, 1940. In 1952, Union Rural Electric joined with 24 other rural electric utilities to form Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association and In April of 1990, the cooperative name was changed to United Power, Inc.


Moon Lake Electric Is Ready For MOBILETrak RFID


South River EMC Eager to Move Forward with MOBILETrak Cloud